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Philosophy for Ministry, Certificate

博彩网址大全的牧师哲学证书, offered at the College of Philosophy and Letters, 是专为那些已经获得学士学位,即将成为天主教神父的学生设计的. 该课程的38个学分满足了受戒的哲学要求, 由天主教主教会议和耶稣会决定.

Curriculum Overview

证书课程的要求通常由本科课程满足, though students may, with the approval of the dean, also meet some requirements with graduate courses.

Transfer coursework may be accepted for most requirements, 但在被哲学与文学学院录取后,必须修满至少16个学分, 包括特殊的伦理/社会分析课程和顶点课程.

满足某一区域要求的具体课程设置由院长决定. 这三门特殊的伦理/社会分析课程是为了学生的毕业项目而选择的,可能包括哲学以外的学科课程.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must already have a bachelor’s degree. 接受天主教神职人员任命培训的学生也必须得到宗教长官或主教的批准,才能接受天主教神职人员的任命培训.


Tuition Cost Per Credit
Undergraduate Tuition $1,410

Additional charges may apply. Other resources are listed below:

Net Price Calculator

Information on Tuition and Fees

Miscellaneous Fees

Information on Summer Tuition

Scholarships and Financial Aid

优先考虑研究生奖学金,请在2月6日之前申请. 1. 


  1. 毕业生将能够识别塑造西方哲学史的主要思想家和思想之间的联系.
  2. 毕业生将能够陈述和解释适合理解和分析天主教事工背景的关键哲学思想和方法.
  3. 毕业生将能够使用哲学和其他相关知识分析天主教事工背景下的具体挑战.
Philosophy of Religion3
Philosophy of Human Nature3
Ancient Greek Philosophy 3
Medieval Philosophy 3
Modern Philosophy3
Contemporary Philosophy3
Special Ethics/Social Analysis 9
Capstone Preparation2
Capstone Project3
Total Credits38

Satisfied by historical survey courses or courses on period figures/topics; Ancient is also satisfied by PHIL 1050 Introduction to Philosophy: Self and Reality (3 cr).


Pre-Divinity Courses in Theology (Jesuits)

耶稣会学士毕业后的学生需要完成, in addition to their philosophy requirements, 6-8 graduate-level theology courses, 在耶稣会会议和美国各省批准的领域. 神学要求通常由神学研究部或阿奎那神学研究所提供的研究生课程来满足. 这些课程中的六门应该选择一个观点,对他们的计数对未来的神学硕士学位由耶稣会神学中心提供. 学生咨询院长确定合适的课程.

Continuation Standards

Students must maintain a minimum 2.00 grade point average (GPA).


指定为关键的课程和里程碑(用 !)必须在列出的学期内完成,以确保及时毕业. Transfer credit may change the roadmap.

这个路线图不应该用来代替定期的学术咨询预约. 鼓励所有学生每学期与他们的指导老师/导师见面. 要求,课程的可用性和顺序可能会发生变化.

Plan of Study Grid
Year One
CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy 3
PHIL 2050 Ethics (Students may substitute courses with appropriate content) 3
PHIL 3250 Philosophy of Religion (Students may substitute courses with appropriate content) 3
Ancient Philosophy (if needed) Normally satisfied by PHIL 4400,但其他内容适当的课程也可能符合条件 3
PLJ 4900 Integration Seminar 1
Social Analysis/Special Ethics 3
Year Two
Medieval Philosophy (Normally satisfied by PHIL 4500,但其他关于中世纪思想家/主题的课程也可能符合条件) 3
Philosophy of Human Nature (if needed). (Normally satisfied by PHIL 3300,但其他有适当内容的课程也可能符合资格) 3
Epistemology (Satisfied by multiple offerings, including PHIL 3600 and philosophy of science courses) 3
Modern Philosophy (Normally satisfied by PHIL 4600,但其他有关现代思想家/主题的课程也可能符合条件) 3
Social Analysis/Special Ethics 3
Year Three
Contemporary Philosophy 3
Social Analysis/Special Ethics 3
Capstone Preparation 2
PLJ 4960 Capstone Project 3
 Total Credits42

Program Notes

General Program Note

该证书通常与其他领域的研究生课程同时进行. 耶稣会的学生还需要修完六到八个学分的研究生神学课程.

Introduction to Philosophy

CORE 1700 Ultimate Questions: Philosophy (3 cr) or its equivalent is a prerequisite for the program. 那些之前接触过哲学的学生通常会直接进入3000级的课程, such as PHIL 3250 Philosophy of Religion (3 cr).

Approval for Course Substitutions


Integrative Seminars

These courses are required of Jesuit students only.

Social Analysis/Special Ethics Course Requirements

为满足学生在博彩网址大全攻读的其他学位要求而修读的课程,经院长批准,可以同时满足社会分析/特殊伦理学要求. To the extent possible, 学生应该选择与他们设想的顶点项目相关的上下文分析领域的课程. 社会分析课程包括社会政治哲学或其他学科的课程, 只要课程内容主要致力于理解当代生活的各个方面, 社会或文化相关的事工背景的学生的顶点. Special ethics courses are satisfied by:

PHIL 3360Medical Ethics3
PHIL 3380Business Ethics3
PHIL 3400Ethics & Engineering3
PHIL 3050XComputer Ethics3
PHIL 3420Environmental and Ecological Ethics3
PHIL 3430Philosophy of Law3

Contemporary Philosophy Requirement

对19世纪末至21世纪思想家的哲学著作或对哲学主题(形而上学)的当代处理感到满意, epistemology, philosophy of science, contemporary ethics, etc.). Special ethics courses do not satisfy this requirement.